Taylor Construction Plant - Battery Store

Having had a positive experience with Solar Green during our initial solar installation, we are excited to engage with them again for our upcoming battery store project. Their commitment to quality, coupled with a customer-centric approach, made the decision to continue our partnership an easy one. We were confident that Solar Green would bring the same level of expertise and dedication to this new endeavour, contributing to the success of our sustainable energy initiatives.

I am pleased to say that I was not disappointed and the resulting installation is a complete success and will be producing clean energy for years to come.

Collaborating on the TCP project for the second time was a positive experience for our team. We shared a commitment to environmental responsibility, which facilitated a smooth partnership. Working closely with TCP, we planned and executed the solar panel installation meticulously, ensuring efficiency at every step. As the project concluded, it was rewarding to see our efforts contribute to a greener, more sustainable future. We are pleased to have been part of this significant undertaking once again.
— Matthew, Installation Expert

Stapleford Abbotts


Taylor Construction Plant